Episodes 01-30 Recap

Episode 01: Hunted
Characters:  Kaya, Rafe, Bane, Connor, Ulrick, Jacobi & Harley Crane
Warnings: Adult content, adult situations, language, violence, nudity
Rafe awakens next to the mauled body of a woman he'd met at a club and cannot recall anything that took place before that. He is hunted and chased through the woods and searches for a way out. Greymane wolves Kaya, Connor, Bane and Ulrick find him and take him back to the manor for rest where he learns the reason the hunters were after him.

Episode 02: It's a Dog's Life
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Bane, Ulrick, Connor, Lobo
Warnings: Adult content, adult situations, language, violence
Kaya explains to Rafe who and what he is. Unable to believe or accept that he's a wolf as she explains, he lashes out and tries to drown himself in alcohol and forget the night. In the morning he again speaks with Kaya and she tells him though he isn't a prisoner, it's safer for him to remain with them at the manor until he finishes transitioning. Rafe agrees and meets the Alpha of the Greymane pack: Armand Villalobos.

Episode 03: Dog Eat Dog
Characters: Dexter, Luther, Armand, Ulrick, Connor, Bane, Rafe, Kaya
Warnings: Adult content, adult situations, language, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT
Luther Crowley, Alpha for the Gideon pack, threatens his Beta Dexter unless he can get the new pup Rafe out from under Greymane's roof. Rafe discovers that the wolves in the manor are actually members of a famous rock band and his past as a musician comes into question. Dexter along with Phoenix make a move and attack Greymane to retrieve the pup and Lobo vows to protect him.

Episode 04: Moonlit Promenade
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Lobo, Connor, Sonja, Dexter, Luther
Warnings: Adult content, adult situations, language, violence
Kaya teaches Rafe about the history of wolves as their training continues and he finds himself drawn to her. His dreams become vivid and she finds him tossing in bed and invites him out for a chat and learns that he was adopted and has no idea who his real parents are. Gideon's Alpha Luther and Greymane's Armand are called away to an emergency WarCouncil summit where it's reported the seers had a vision.

Episode 05: Visions
Characters: Luther, Lobo, Damien, Odessa, Aleister, Lorena, Jason, Patrick, Lexi
Warnings: Adult content, adult situations, language, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT
Luther and Lobo make it to the summit and are informed that the seer had come to understand that a Supreme Alpha wolf rests among them. The Alphas of all the packs in attendance: Patrick, Jason, Luther and Lobo leave with the idea that they are the wolf in the vision. Luther determined to become the only Alpha respected and housed in Willow Reed makes a move on Lobo, attacking him with two other wolves. Lobo's seer Lexi stops them before they are able to complete their task and tells Lobo he has to stop Luther before he gets what he's after.

Episode 06: Strays
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Bane, Connor, Benjamin, Rachael, David, Melinda, Lucy - Jacobi & Harley Crane
Warnings: Adult content, adult situations, language, violence
Connor notices Rafe's attraction to Kaya and tells him that she and Bane have been hooking up and she isn't looking for anything long term. Kaya gets a visit from their handler Benjamin who informs her there is an issue with one of her shelters that needs her immediate attention. Once she arrives she discovers a large amount of wolves in need of a home and they all appear afraid of something. The hunters are back and decide they need to kill a few wolves before the approaching full moon reaches.

Episode 07: Misery
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Connor, Lexi, Faith, Luther, Julius, Phoenix, Sonja, Dexter
Warnings: Adult content, adult situations, language, violence, SEXUAL CONTENTRAPE
Lexi and Faith recall the vision concerning Rafe and Faith makes it a point to mention her favoritism towards Kaya is prejudiced and should stop. Gideon wolves arrive and she informs them that there are more new wolves in town that they need to move on immediately. Rafe is going crazy waiting for his transition and asks Kaya to retrieve some personal effects for him from his place. She heads to his apartment and runs into Gideon wolves. Byron of Gideon helps her escape and they get back to their manor but arriving empty handed places Luther in a foul mood and he takes it out on an unsuspecting victim.

Episode 08: Return of the Wolves
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Connor, Bane, Ulrick, Lobo, Julius, Phoenix, Byron, Lucy, Jacobi, Harley, Eli
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, nudity, adult situations, violence (and wordy).
The hunters make themselves known to Greymane when Bane accidentally runs into them while out on the prowl. Lobo returns to the manor and Kaya questions everything he experienced while away. The manor is flooded with new wolves and everyone is ramped up about something. When Kaya learns there is a true Alpha and that her father is heading into another war, she begins to panic, fearing what that means for their future.

Episode 09: The Ripper
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Bane, Connor, Ulrick, Rosalie, Greg, Chelsea Chase
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT, adult content, adult situations
A look into Bane's past and how he came to be with Greymane. Chelsea Chase, celebrity interviewer, spotlights Night Shift on her show and a surprising announcement is made that changes the shape of the band. Bane makes it known to Rafe how he feels about his sudden interest in Kaya and he learns something about Bane that the other wolves in Greymane have no idea about.

Episode 10: In the Company of Wolves
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Connor, Bane, Ulrick, Eli, Shannon, Tiffany, Brielle
Warnings: Language,  adult situations, violence, suggestive material, nudity
Rafe comes to and tells Kaya he was attacked by Bane. She wants to take matters into her own hands and Rafe tells her he can handle things on his own. Kaya and Bane get into it and she attacks him in wolf form leaving Connor worried. Connor and Rafe discuss his anger issues and he helps him by telling him he needs to learn to control his rage. Trying to make up for what he did, Rafe takes Kaya shoe shopping and spends the day staring at her legs. The injured wolf they rescued from the hunters awakens and he tells them who he is.

Episode 11: Hunger
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Connor, Bane, Ulrick, Lobo, Julius, Dexter, Byron, Eli
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, nudity, SEXUAL CONTENT, adult situations, violence
Eli's stomach gets the best of him as he tries to learn control over his appetites and new found freedoms. Kaya and Rafe make waves as he makes a move that reassures him his affections would be returned. The Gideon pack is on the hunt for new blood and find it in some unsuspecting strays. Lobo is antsy about a change in the balance of power and fears the upcoming war could lead to the fall of Greymane.

Episode 12: Every Dog Has its Day
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Bane, Connor, Nadine, Aimee, Professeur Montaigne, Rehema, Charles, Rémi, Jean-Pierre
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity, drug use -- non-authentic sets (after setting everything up my game wasn't being nice so I just took shots.)
After his near kiss, Rafe talks to Connor about Kaya to learn more about what makes her tick. Flashbacks to when Connor first met Kaya and how he came to be a part of the Greymane Pack. Rafe tells Connor stuff he learned about from Bane and he wants to take immediate action. After settling Connor's mind, he finds Kaya in the gardens and their cat and mouse game takes an interesting turn.

Episode 13: Ch-ch-ch-changes
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Bane, Connor, Ulrick, Lobo, Richard, Robbie, Lucy, Jacobi, Harley, Candi, Sandi
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT, adult content, adult situation
After returning home, Rafe thinks over the kiss he shared with Kaya and the possible reasons why she turned away from him. Afraid of ruining their blooming friendship, and maybe a little more, Kaya goes to see Rafe a day after he leaves Greymane to talk. The hunters are back in action and looking for new blood. Lucy, veteran in the field, takes a moment for a solo hunt that leaves her vulnerable to attack. Rafe undergoes a change but a day early causes concern for Greymane!

Episode 14: Full Moon
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Bane, Connor, Ulrick, Lobo, Luther, Lexi, Faith, Eli, Benjamin
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations
Rafe's change the previous afternoon is still in affect and Kaya cannot understand why he is unable to change back. Lobo visits with Lexi and gets more information behind the reasons she sent Kaya after Rafe knowing he was a wild wolf. The full moon has approached and the wolves are all forcibly changed and Rafe gets out of his cell to experience the true nature of his beast and receives a surprise visit from Luther.

Episode 15: Man's Best Friend
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Connor, Ulrick, Lobo, Odessa, Phoenix, Byron, Sonja, Damien, Luther, Lennox Russell
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT, adult content, adult situations, nudity
Kaya convinces Luther to allow Rafe to return to Greymane but he has the last word. Rafe questions Kaya about the things Luther would have possibly told him hoping she can clear up some confusion but it only adds more. Sonja makes an advance towards Rafe at Kaya's expense and he ends up inside the Gideon Manor and speaks with Luther. Later Kaya tells Rafe about the seers and discusses mating habits of wolves.

Episode 16: Chasing His Tail
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Connor, Ulrick, Bane, Eli, Dahlia Reynolds, Phoenix, Julius, Sonja, Dexter, Luther, Cecil Cassani
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity
Luther considers Sonja's fate and decides what punishment is best for her failure. Though he didn't get what he was after, he's prepared a backup plan to move forward and ensure his pack's future. The band heads over to the studio of Cecil Cassani for their Flare! Magazine cover and Rafe meets another of Kaya's friends.

Episode 17: The Seven Year Itch
Characters: Ulrick, Lobo, Sonja, Luther, Isabella, Robbie, Richard, Donovan, Miguel Morán, Alejandro Vargas, Cristóbal Ramírez, Lucy, Jacobi, Harley, Officer Riley, Darius Mitchum
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT, adult content, nudity, adult situations
Harley, Lucy and Jacobi find themselves in a bad situation after their full moon hunt turned up an unexpected surprise. The First Wolf War is underway and Armand and Ulrick are in the center of things. Ulrick's past is highlighted and more about what makes him the man he is as he finds his mate and urges to be bonded. Luther has an interesting proposal for Isabella and is not in the mood for a refusal.

Episode 18: A Bone to Pick
Characters: Luther, Phoenix, Julius, Isabella, Byron, Felicia, Giselle, Spring
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity
Luther speaks to Isabella concerning his earlier proposition: help her get revenge on those that hurt her most. Julius learns of something that takes him one step closer to the revenge he's sought against the pack that killed his family and the connection he has with Isabella. Luther makes an interesting discovery on the far boundary of his land and possibly learns something about himself in the process.

Episode 19: Dog Years
Characters: Lobo, Lexi, Faith
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT, adult content, nudity, adult situations
After Damian's recent threats Faith and Lexi conjure up a spell of protection around the coven and search for alternative means to ensure their survival against any imminent danger. Lobo goes to Lexi to discuss Rafe's situation within his pack and she convinces him to get Kaya a mate to keep Rafe from hounding her.

Episode 20: Hairy Palms
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Connor, Ulrick, Bane, Eli, Dahlia, Cecil, Brooke, Chelsea Chase, Jax
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity
The band gets ready for a meet and greet and autograph session as Rafe evaluates what he feels for Kaya. A blast from Rafe's past brings back an old friend whom he'd thought he'd left behind and causes an interesting change to occur in public. Cecil strips the band down and goes back to basics in another photo shoot.

Episode 21: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Connor, Paolo Giancarlo Del Piero, (Willow Reed Strikers - Simon Pritchard, Daniel Davis, Marco Chiellini, Chad Milton, Patrick Douglas), (Juventus - Alessandro De Ceglie, Arturo Matri, Leonardo Storari, Giorgio Borriello), Wendy, Brownie, Black Jack
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT, adult content, adult situations
Kaya's ex-boyfriend comes to town and she learns something about the reason he left she never knew. Rafe comes close to losing it again in public but this time Kaya is a little shocked that she cannot immediately stop him. Rafe learns that there is a connection to what he is and the Greymane pack that causes him to do something he may regret.

Episode 22: The Wilderness Pack
Characters: Rafe, Kaya, Lobo, Roman, Pack Wolves
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity -- issues with tats.
Rafe and Kaya take a trip to Shadowvale to learn where the coordinates and letter they discovered leads. While there, Rafe overhears something interesting that he is hesitant to relay to Kaya. Upon returning home again, Armand has a visitor waiting for Kaya and Rafe is not pleased.

Episode 23: Do Your Business
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Bane, Connor, Ulrick, Lobo, Eli, Roman, Antoinette, Greymane & Vanderbilt wolves
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT, adult content, adult situations
Rafe has his induction ceremony and becomes part of Greymane under Lobo's rule though there is a catch to his joining that he was not readily agreeable to. Kaya meets other wolves from Roman's pack and he takes her on another date that may not end as either one expects.

Episode 24: Dog Days
Characters: Luther, Giselle, Drew, Karson, Kaya, Lobo, Roman, Raeford
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity
Luther finds Giselle in a very unusual place after following her scent. He  overhears something interesting involving her pack and begins thinking over how it would best suit his needs. Armand and Kaya have a meet and greet with Raeford Barrett, former Alpha for Vanderbilt and Roman tells Kaya that he'd like for her to clear her conscience before they mate.

Episode 25: Dogs in Heat
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Bane, Connor, Ulrick, Lobo, Eli, Terrance
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT, adult content, adult situations
After a crippling depressing week, Rafe believes the only way to get relief is speaking to Kaya. He thinks over his conversation with Connor and decides to take action and mate her. Lobo becomes furious over Kaya's disobedience and Bane seeks answers regarding the same.

Episode 26: Unguarded
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Bane, Lobo, Dexter, Roman, Antoinette
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity
Returning home still on a high from mating Kaya, Rafe runs into trouble and immediately throws himself into action fighting Bane who has convinced himself he was wronged. Kaya tries to talk to her father about what happened but he is unwilling to listen sensing Rafe's scent on her. Rafe calls and Kaya's compelled to see him and realizes Roman is still in the dark about what's happened. She goes to see him and is accosted by Dexter of Gideon.

Episode 27: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad...
Characters: Kaya, Luther, Dexter, Trevor
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT, adult content, nudity, adult situations
Luther explains to Kaya that he has taken her so that she can help him undo the curse her seer Lexi has placed on him. Kaya thinks about what it would mean for him to get his way. In an effort to gain her trust, Luther offers her insight into Lobo's head and what possibly may have really happened between them and how it may involve her mother.

Episode 28: Nature of the Beast
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Connor, Lobo, Ulrick, Luther, Dexter, Julius
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity, ATTEMPTED RAPE
Kaya gets a little more information out of Luther and learns there are many more diaries compared to what she's read. Luther must prove that what he wanted out of Lexi has been granted and Kaya is the unfortunately recipient of his attack. Connor and Rafe go on the hunt for Kaya and tread through enemy territory.

Episode 29: Dogs Are People Too
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Harley, Lucy, Jacobi, Alistair, Aurora, Demarius, Vaughn, Daniel
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity, RAPESEXUAL CONTENT
The hunters' past is shown through the eyes of their father and Lucy comes to a shocking revelation about her brother. Rafe tries to convince Kaya to go home and face her father about what she learned at Luther's. She goes knowing he is right but grudgingly. Rafe is confronted outside his apartment.

Episode 30: What Remains...
Characters: Kaya, Lobo, Luther, Rafe, Connor, Ulrick, Dexter
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity
Luther has taken Rafe to try and convince him to abandon Greymane and become a member of Gideon. At his refusal he begins to torture him into becoming his wild wolf so that in his true form, he can destroy every wolf in his pack: Greymane. Lobo and Kaya have a much needed conversation and she learns the shocking truth about her mother's death and her true mate.

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