Genre: Horror
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Connor, Lobo, Eli, Brooke, Jessica, Damian, Ted, Caleb, Charlie
Word Count: 3,290
Rating: R
Type: Series
Summary: Brooke goes to Greymane's private medical facility for treatment and anxiously Eli looks on hoping she gets better soon. Greymane receives a visit from WarCouncil member Damian Bloodworth concerning the recent injury of a human. Rafe's dreams become more and more vivid as he relives events from his past.
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity
“What’s happening to her?” Eli yelled watching Brooke
convulse as she lay on the table behind the glass wall. Kaya was doing all she
could to get him to focus on something, anything other than what was going on with his girlfriend. He’d rushed her back to the manor as quickly as he could after he
realized the scratch on her leg had become seriously infected within hours of
discovering it.