
The Gideon Wolf Pack

Pack leader Luther Crowley has been the Alpha of Gideon for over four centuries. Ruthless, cold-blooded and merciless, he has gained his power from the blood of his own race and continues dominating and running through any pack stupid enough to cross him. His only issue is with the Greymane pack and soon he will start a war to get what he truly desires.

Dexter Vondrack, the Beta for Luther, has been a loyal and faithful friend for one and a half centuries. The best at what he does: killing, hunting and maiming, Luther has come to depend on him for more than just clean up services and he is primed and groomed to take over the Pack if that day comes. 

Sonja LaCroix, also known as the Black Widow, Sonja is a seductress that has no problem taking what she wants from any man, woman or wolf. Believing herself to be next in line as Alpha for Gideon, she does what Luther wants when he wants no matter the consequences.

Phoenix Dellarosa may be the oddball in the wolf pack. Kind and compassionate, he isn't eager nor approves of the needless slaughter of their kind. But growing up in the pack made him loyal to his house. Luther found him as a pup and trained him to be a killer just like him. 

Julius Christensen had a troubled childhood and is hellbent on revenge. His family was brutally tortured and murdered in front of him by a rival pack and he has vowed to hunt them down and slay them all. With Luther's help, he has gotten vengeance on a few members, but what he doesn't know about the Alpha of that house may very well spell trouble for him.

Byron Silver, womanizer and hound dog extraordinaire, Byron has no qualms with taking any woman any where. The pretty boy works on his tan while others in the pack work to keep their name on top. He hates to get his hands dirty and voices that opinion every chance he gets.

Faith Swanson is the seer for the house of Gideon. She has worked alongside Lexi and came to think of them as sisters. Forever working to find the answers hidden within the crystal ball, Faith is assured that with the discovery of the supreme Alpha, the clans can be united once and for all and end the war.

Wolf Counterparts:

- Aggressive
- Destructive
- Hunter

- Loyal
- Destructive
- Aggressive

- Proud
- Playful
- Loyal

- Friendly
- Loyal
- Genius

- Proud
- Aggressive
- Loyal

- Playful
- Neat
- Proud