Genre: Horror
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Connor, Ulrick, Bane, Eli, Dahlia Reynolds, Phoenix, Julius, Sonja, Dexter, Luther, Cecil Cassani
Word Count: 6,338
Rating: R
Type: Series
Summary: Luther considers Sonja's fate and decides what punishment is best for her failure. Though he didn't get what he was after, he's prepared a backup plan to move forward and ensure his pack's future. The band heads over to the studio of Cecil Cassani for their Flare! Magazine cover and Rafe meets another of Kaya's friends.
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity
Luther paced the length of his office thinking over his conversation with Rafe. It was a speech he’d heard himself give on numerous occasions; power and privilege available through Gideon. He never believed a word of it. His intentions were to gain that power for himself. As Alpha, any wolf within his pack had a direct connection to him and any “power” they may have would be owned and controlled by him. Of course he conveniently left that part out during his conversation.