Genre: Horror
Characters: Kaya, Rafe, Bane, Connor, Ulrick, Lobo, Richard, Robbie, Lucy, Jacobi, Harley, Candi, Sandi
Word Count: 7,652
Rating: R
Type: Series
Summary: After returning home, Rafe thinks over the kiss he shared with Kaya and the possible reasons why she turned away from him. Afraid of ruining their blooming friendship, and maybe a little more, Kaya goes to see Rafe a day after he leaves Greymane to talk. The hunters are back in action and looking for new blood. Lucy, veteran in the field, takes a moment for a solo hunt that leaves her vulnerable to attack. Rafe undergoes a change but a day early causes concern for Greymane!
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, nudity, violence, strong sexual content, adult content, adult situations
Rafe pulled another beer from his fridge and slammed the door harshly behind him. The glass jars clanked around from the force and a few fell off the rack smashing and spilling their contents. “So stupid Rafe, what the fuck were you thinking?” he kicked himself again before dropping onto his sofa.