Genre: Horror
Characters: Kaya, Lobo, Luther, Rafe, Connor, Ulrick, Dexter
Word Count: 6,702
Rating: R
Type: Series
Summary: Luther has taken Rafe to try and convince him to abandon Greymane and become a member of Gideon. At his refusal he begins to torture him into becoming his wild wolf so that in his true form, he can destroy every wolf in his pack: Greymane. Lobo and Kaya have a much needed conversation and she learns the shocking truth about her mother's death and her true mate.
Warnings: Language, suggestive material, violence, adult content, adult situations, nudity
“Rafe, Rafe, Rafe,” Luther grinned circling around the entrapped wolf. He was hanging by his wrists in the all too familiar dungeon Luther had spent hours in torturing and maiming his victims. Seeing the supposed wild wolf suspended vulnerable and defenseless above him strapped to the beaten wooden post brought utter joy and satisfaction to him. “Look at where we are now.” A wicked laugh filled the room and Luther stepped back to lean against the rack waiting for Rafe’s gaze to meet his.